This collection contains seventeen stories published by Juan Rulfo after 1945, when “Nos han dado la tierra” appeared in the magazines América y Pan. Rulfo commented on the stories he went on to write, in letters he sent to his girlfriend Clara Aparicio. In 1951, the seventh story was published in America, “Diles que no me maten”, considered by Elías Canetti to be one of the best in world literature; even Günter Grass was a great admirer of it. Thanks to the first grant he received from the Mexican Writers’ Centre, Rulfo was able to finish the eight stories that appeared with the previous ones in 1953, in the book entitled – for another story – El Llano en llamas, dedicated to Clara. Two more stories, published in magazines in 1955, will be included in the 1970 edition. Rulfo considered his stories as an approximation to Pedro Páramo.
Definitive text of the work established by the Juan Rulfo Foundation.