This science-fiction comic strip was published in installments in the Argen- tine weekly Hora Cero Semanal from 1957 to 1959. Written by Héctor G. Oesterheld and drawn by Francisco Solano, who between them created a unique style, it held a large number of readers in suspense week after week.
Charged with social and political content, the story is never what it seems, offering constant surprises. Oesterheld succeeded in giving the hero, Juan Salvo, a collective identity, with his bravery, strength, and leadership shared with a people who joins forces in solidarity against the invaders.
Years later, El eternauta was reprinted in three parts in book form, the original edition of which has become a collector’s item. Since then it has been re- printed frequently in Argentina and has been read by many generations. RM is publishing this careful edition in the hopes of making it more widely known elsewhere in the Americas.