Diego Rivera. Ilustrious Words 1886-1921 (vol. 1)
Category: Visual Arts
ISBN: 978-84-936123-2-0
ISBN: 978-84-936123-3-7
Author: Roberto Pliego, Magdalena Zabala
Binding: Clothbound
Pages: 423
Size: 16.5 x 24 cm
Language: ESP or ENG
Publication year: 2008
The catalog “Diego Rivera. Illustrius words” is the result of exposure of the same name in the Diego Rivera Studio Museum, dedicated to providing a visual tour of Rivera’s reflections on art.
It presents a combination of a selection of textsand quotes from Rivera and images made by Rivera himself orby the artists who in one way or another had a place in his memory. Words illustrated, illustrations speaking, these pageswe face moments in the history of art in the vision of a great creator.
Diego Rivera, in addition to the exceptionalqualities that distinguished him as a painter, was possessed of a strong liberal education that served as support their vastintellectual reflections. While in the scaffolding, running a mural, facing reclined on canvas or a pad, sketching a drawing, Rivera was brought into deep meditations on art and the complexintricacies of its evolution throughout history, and also reflection on the duties of the creator, either to society or to the future of the discipline.