(Español) De discursos visuales, secuencias y fotolibros
Category: Photography
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ISBN: 978-84-17975-02-9
Author: VV. AA.
Co-published with MUGA
Binding: Encuadernación rústica cosida con hilo
Pages: 160
Size: 16 x 21 cm
Language: ESP
Publication year: 2019
This publication is the result of an investigation on the complex experience of reading the visual articulations that constitute the photographic messages in photobooks.
Its content is based on the analysis of the possible communication strategies that make possible a visual narrative in a book through three chapters: Photographic image, photobooks and visual narratives reflects on the reading experience of photographic images and narrative photobooks; Of photography and photobooks in Chile today makes a representative review of Chilean photo-editorial production from 2010 to the present; and Postface, a manifesto on the current production and publication of photobooks and their evolution as a cultural object.