Book wrapped in a origami-style case with an original photograph, signed and numbered.
The edition is divided into two series of 13 and 12 copies each: A (woman/purple case) and B (hand/green case), respectively. Both printed on pigmented ink on HahneMülle Photo Rag 308g and carefully fitted on the backhand of the book’s cover.
Can we assume that social relations in all societies are organised around biological sexual differences? The colonisation of the mind configures a state of vulnerability that facilitates the path of dependency. This is also how the infantilisation of women was exported and implanted as part of the Western patriarchal system (canons of beauty, modernity, stereotypes…). It is a question of decolonising feminism by questioning the Eurocentric rational theoretical frameworks that construct gender categories in a universal way.
The book wrestles with the challenges of applying“universal”Western feminist ideas to cultures with entirely different traditions.
In a brilliant, colorful and rhythmic page layout, Gloria takes us out on a project dedicated to the postcolonial rethinking of gender and race.